
While you are here you will here about my wonderful family, my life as a stay at home mom, shopping trips, bargains, coupons, and much more.
I don't have any set 'theme' to this blog so I'm sure it we be a cluster of all the wonderful and crazy things that make up our world.

Enjoy- Kristina!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Free Pasta at Kroger/Ralph's!

Who doesn't like something that is free? 
I happen to love any and all things free, especially when it's something I would buy anyways, like pasta.
I found this wonderful deal on Melissa's Bargains which is one of my favorite blogs to follow!

Here is how I plan to do the deal-

Buy 10 boxes of Ronzoni pasta (Healthy Harvest or Smart Taste) @ $.99 each = $9.90
Mega Sale (buy 10 participating items, get an instant $5 off) = $4.90
Use 5 $1/2 Ronzoni coupons = $.10 profit, but I don't believe they allow that so it will be FREE! 

Here are the links to the printables!
$1/2 Ronzoni Smart Taste printable
$1/2 Ronzoni Healthy Harvest printable
(you will only be able to print 2 of each per computer.  I am just lucky to have access to more than one computer so I printed 5, but it is still a wonderful deal even if you just print the 4)

Thank you Melissa's Bargains for this deal!